My first film, The Long Way
Home: A Bigfoot Story, was a multiple award winner. I was fortunate
enough to receive the following honors:
- Best Narrative Feature at the New York International Independent
Film & Video Festival (2006)
- Best Mockumentary and Best Supporting Actor at the Charlotte
Cackalacky Film Festival (2008)
- Golden Reel recipient for Innovative Filmmaking, Agency Films,
Asheville Film Festival (2007)
- Top billing at the Historical Imperial Theatre, First Take
Film Festival, Augusta, Georgia (2008)
- People’s Choice Award at the Indie Grits Film Festival in Columbia,
South Carolina (2007)
not to mention numerous successful screenings across the country,
including being selected as the feature film for the North Carolina
Pride Week in Raleigh-Durham in 2007.
So many of you have asked for an easy fast and secure way to order
my Award Winning Bigfoot Movie. Well here you go! Just click the
PAYPAL button and I will–THAT VERY DAY–mail you a 71-minute dvd,
complete with 2 trailers hundreds of stills and dozens of newspaper
articles and reviews. I will send it all to you 1st Class Priority
mail. I promise it will be the best $20.00 you have spent in a LONG